I hope you are
well and at peace. Since last I
spoke to you I
have been in Australia for two
and a half
months speaking to about 17,000
giving 5 parish missions and a
number of talks
in prisons, churches, hotels
and even banquet
halls. My tour of Australia
took me to
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,
Wagga, Albury
and Griffin.
It was a very
blessed time with lots of Miracles,
I had a number
of people who came up to me
saying how they
had heard me speak at World
Youth Day in
Sydney in 2008. One lady who is
now a Nun said
she heard me when she was
twelve and knew
she was to become a Nun
and had been one
for 2 years now. Another
man said he was
not going to Mass when he
heard me and now
goes every day, many people
said my talks at
world youth day changed their
lives. This
helped me to understand how Gods
Fruits are
I think it is
incredible how when God wants
something to
happen he opens all the doors.
When Michael (a
young man from Australia
Who spent 15
months with me in community)
approached me
about running parish missions
in Australia I
told him I would only come if he
could arrange 5
missions as it is a very long
way to travel
for anything less. I was doubtful that
would happen as
it is very difficult to organize
that many
missions. But sure enough he got
the missions and
countless other talks
snowballed from
there. It is a very beautiful
thing to see the
hand of God at work!
To speak to so
many Teenage school children
was wonderful,
many times speaking to 1200
young people at
a time, with lots of Grace and
hearts being
changed. I met some great
teachers who
were only there for God and to
bring the young
people closer to Jesus.
In this year of
Mercy it was inspiring to see so
many people
return to confession with lots of
priests saying
how they heard confessions
over 30,40,50
years in the parish missions.
The world needs
Mercy and we have this
powerful grace
in the Sacrament of
where lives are truly healed and
transformed. One
man emailed to tell how
after going to
confession for the first time in
years, he went
home and just began to weep
at the love and
mercy he was experiencing.
He told how a
great weight was lifted from
him and a
massive healing took place in his
I had a lot of people
praying for this tour
and thank you
for all your prayers, You did not
see the Miracles
I saw and the tears running
down peoples
faces as their hearts were being
touched by the
love of Jesus. But hopefully one
day you will see
in Heaven as Gods everlasting
fruits are
Some years ago
after Cardinal Cook had given
a talk to 5000
people and was receiving a standing
ovation. He said
“Who is the real instrument of God?
Me, or the man
praying the Rosary for this talk”
Thank you for
all your prayers, and please pray I do
not get in Gods
You are very
much in my heart and prayers.
John Pridmore